
Mothers Union members volunteer in grassroots ministries that
support women and families across Australia.


Mothers Union -
Torres Strait

Mothers Union in the North Queensland Diocese has a particular challenge because many of their members live in distant and isolated communities. Mothers Union seeks to link these communities via gatherings open to all members and particularly to its Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander members.

At a 2019 regional meeting on Thursday Island, there was discussion that was helpful in understanding some of the issues that are affecting family life in the Torres Strait Islands.

In response to this, local Mothers Union members are enthusiastically developing a positive Parenting Course that is specifically tailored to their needs as Torres Strait families, a project Mothers Union Sydney continues to prayerfully support.

AMUA Northern Outreach - COVID update

AMUA is committed to supporting remote communities with programs that are specific to the needs of their families. The pandemic has hindered the ability of these programs to progress. Aboriginal and Torres Strait communities have been declared biosecurity zones under federal control. Therefore, excluding any non-essential travel in and out of these protected communities.

During this time, internet presentations and videos have been used to continue the work and encourage people in the Northern Territory. Phone calls and Zoom meetings have enabled supportive communication across the region and enabled Executive meetings in the Cape, Torres Strait and North West Australia.